For the high achieving woman who is stuck in the hustle and knows it’s time to create change in their physical & emotional body while wearing all the hats.

Health is wealth.

Your body cannot be separate from how you serve your family, business, or clients.

With Dahlya Brown Shook – Integrative Medicine Specialist, Holistic Health Intuitive & Trauma-Informed Regulation Specialist

What to Expect:

  • Give yourself permission to take care of yourself, your family & your business (your life)  in a sustainable way without feeling guilt.  

  • Weave in self-care, creativity, and play into your days!

  • Heal past programming of lack and create new neural pathways for receiving wealth, health, and success.

  • Show up for your clients & your family at the highest level while successfully moving through anxiety and accessing a deep level of trust

  • Learn how to honor your feminine flow while executing with masculine structures in your business and your health.

  • Have holistic health solutions specific for your genetics that will support you & your family!

Do you find yourself?

  • Running on autopilot, not prioritizing your sleep, and burning the candle at every end?

  • You operate from feeling like you are responsible for everything and everyone?

  • You know you are not taking optimal care of your emotional & physical health but you don’t know where to start or you’ve been trying so many things and it’s not working sustainably.

  • Noticing your body’s aches or you are feeling tired all the time? You think " I need to prioritize movement" but don't because there are more pressing family or business priorities.

  • Find yourself not being able to turn your mind off and relax. Such as booking vacations and still thinking about business while you are on vacation with your family!

Or maybe you’re noticing…

Your investing in business coaching, masterminds, and having all the strategy, but you know something is missing because of the anxiety you feel when trying to implement what you’re learning. (Your cortisol might be running this show, don’t worry, we can fix that!)

Are you tired of riding the wave of “everything is working!” to “I can’t keep up” and would love a safe place to process and develop an emotional foundation for all seasons of success.

Imagine operating your day to day feeling like this.

Courtney shares her experience:

The only program out there that teaches you exactly how to master your experience within your physical and emotional body.

Susana shares her experience:

What’s Included?

3x Group Live Virtual Sessions each month (Value $8,888)

  1. Teaching on the monthly topic (Wealth Activation)

  2. Movement Medicine to Embody the Wealth Activation

  3. Hot seat Coaching & Energy Medicine Session

Monthly Movement Medicine (Value $500)

This is my unique methodology that I created to process emotions through the body & regulate the nervous system. The movements are derived from my wide training & experience of tai-chi, breathwork, dance, yoga, strength training, pelvic floor, energy medicine & more. It’s ALL included to release cortisol + regulate THROUGH YOUR BODY.

Introducing The Regulation Roadmap (Value $4,500)

This is your multi-modality, multi-dimensional toolbox. With over 2 decades of tools, experience & training condensed into simple daily rituals to build into your state of being. You will receive AM Rituals, Mid day rituals, PM rituals very specific to your unique body/brain needs so you know what to do in the moment when you may need a reset, to reboot, recharge, or lower stress.

Voxer Group Mastermind Style for Sisterhood Support (Total Value $15,000)


Create a Supportive Sacred Community Along The Journey

Lifetime Access

To The Wisdom Of The Body Resources ($6000)

Extra Spiritual & Scientific bonuses along the way to support you in real-time

(Each round receives a uniquely Channeled Mindset Affirmation Audio to embody the teachings and rewire the subconscious patterning. Total Value: Priceless)

The Monthly Wealth Activations

Wealth Activation 1: Understanding the nervous system. Why is it important to stay regulated, and “how to” regulate in any situation.

  • The Vagus Nerve, Chakras, Stress Management & More

  • Understanding the mind-body connection.

  • Develop regulation practices to avoid spinning out in high-stress situations.

  • Have the support and accountability of the group to co-regulate.

  • Learn how to refocus your intention on your energy when outside influences hijack your resilience.

  • Learn how to have your body and brain start working for you!

Wealth Activation 2: Rewire your Stories & Mindset. Develop tools that nourish your embodiment

  • Learn what stories you are operating from that keep getting in your way.

  • Develop mindset tools to make your emotional or physical health a priority.

  • Create a bulletproof vision for internal health, vitality, and peace that daily nourishes your embodiment.

  • Create new muscle memory as you rewire your brain and body for optimal performance when you attend to your business, family, and health.

Wealth Activation 3: Gut Health & Daily Detox: The keys to Clarity

  • Learn foundations of gut microbiome health.

  • Heal from the inside out with easy, tried & proven tools to support your vitality, gut health, safe detoxification and mental clarity.

  • Clean up your supplements so your body is not overtaxed and stealing your energy with poor quality or not needed supplements.

  • Accountability to create sustainable habits that lower your inflammation and support a radiant body

Wealth Activation 4: Emotional Embodiment: Connecting emotional intelligence with the sensations of the body

  • Enhance emotional awareness & understanding of your internal programming, to shift out of it and create more space for possibility.

  • Deepen the connection between emotions & physical body symptoms of dis-ease. Create profound awareness of your internal state of being.

  • New regulation tools presented to support the emotional processing.

  • Holistically navigate emotional flus and emotional purging.

Wealth Activation 5: Energetic Boundaries and embodying lasting change for growth 

  • Step into and hold new energetic boundaries that support who you've become in this process.

  • Create lasting change supporting your UNIQUE gifts as you appear in the world.

  • Tweak your Regulation Roadmap to help your body & brain get what it needs for optimal performance.

  • Rise in your regulated state by setting new goals and achieving them joyfully and easily.

Wealth Activation 6: Integration

  • This is where you claim your confidence in your ability to easily choose YOUR regulation through ebbs and flows of life.

  • Connect with guides regularly, listening to intuitive guidance

  • Consistently take action through any fear or limiting beliefs

  • Experience emotional resilience through situations that previously would have knocked you off course

  • Embody being a clear channel

  • Support your body with an internal state of health, vitality & energy - and be sick less

The Deets (dates/times)

Live Calls begin May 14th, are always recorded and shared with you if you can’t make it live.

  • Voxer support (day to day support) Mastermind Style focusing on the topic of the month and how it applies to you, your health, your business, your family and your operating system! This is often where the magic happens. No topic is off limits. You will receive scientific & psychic support specific for you and your unique needs.

  • Week 1 is your Integration Week.

  • Week 2 through Week 4: Live Weekly Sessions on Tuesdays at 2:00 PM EST.

    • Week 2: Tuesday, 2:00 PM EST; Teaching on Topic (Wealth Activation)

    • Week 3: Tuesday, 2:00 PM EST; Movement Medicine / Akashic Healing

    • Week 4: Tuesday, 2:00 PM EST; Hot Seat Coaching (Energy Medicine)

  • Private FB Sisterhood for daily support as needed for you! With surprise recordings/meditations/health support along the way

BONUS: 95% of what you learn can be applied to your family, children, employees. The teachings in this program support more than you- they can support your entire family to be more emotionally & physically healthy and more mindful!

VOXER Testimonials


  • Kickoff begins May 7th. Call times are expected to be Tuesdays from 2:00 - 3:30 EST.

  • The program begins on May 7, 2024 with our first call on May 14th at 2pm EST.

  • The calls will be 75 to 90 minutes. Other components of the program will require some time: 30 minutes to 1 hour per day for self-care routines. You can do as much or as little as you want and still get a ton out of the program.

  • Yes! You will see the payment plan option in there when you go to purchase your spot in the program.

  • Totally fine if you have to miss several of the calls--there are no requirements to however many calls you attend. You will have access to all recordings.

  • In this program you will learn how to evaluate the supplements you take. Any suggestions are optional for you to implement. So many holistic supplies with links will be provided to incorporate detox rituals and healing modalities. Take what works for you and leave the rest!

  • Voxer is a walkie talkie messaging app on your phone where you can use voice or text to communicate. This is gold for accountability and “in-the-moment” questions. All of my clients think this is the biggest value which is why we're including it. It's also a space to build community with others in the program. You'll find your best friends there!

  • Please email to inquire about joining Wisdom of the Body.

6 Month Program Investment

3 Easy Payment Options

  • One-time payment of $2,664

  • $444/month for 6 months

  • Or Extended Payment Plan ($296/month for 9 months)

MORE Testimonials

When Dahlya asked my story about money, immediately I felt my body get hot, and a wave of tightness came across my chest and in my heart. The old energy that money has always been around me, but wasn’t for me came to the surface front and center. After one session with her I felt lighter and at ease. Everything in my body relaxed ( including my mind), and it felt like a clean slate. I can acknowledge the old story and it no longer feels relevant for where I’m going. Money feels safe. Expansive. Fun. 

~ Rachel, Soul Coach

As someone who has spent years on self improvement, I don't say this lightly but... Dahlya was able to intuitively and quickly find a deep layer of myself that needed to be addressed and did so in such a loving way. Dahlya was able to channel light language that was not only healing on a spiritual level, but also to my physical DNA and nervous system. She created a safe space for me to be my authentic self, without feeling shameful about my shadowy side. Dahlya woke me up to parts of myself that I had shut off from the world for quite some time, dimming my own magic. So, even if you do not understand the light language, your soul will and you may even experience various physical symptoms. Personally, I was releasing a lot of emotions and (happily) cried for the duration of our session. I also could physically feel the release and expansion in certain parts of my body and by the end of it I was quite energized...Reborn in a way. Dahlya is very smart and gifted and I would recommend her to anyone at any level of their healing journey.

~ Brittany, Spiritual Aesthetician & Channel

Dahlya is a wonderful healer who holds space for whatever is surfacing. She has an amazing ability to cut through to the root of what is unconsciously holding you back. I just had a session with her and I was moved and have been feeling light and clear. I released a lot of my past that was holding me in a pattern. I love her ability to create and her intuition is very strong. Thank you so much!

~ Jen, Play Therapist

Dahlya is a beautiful person in and out. She has knowledge in many different realms and can help be a great guide. She has great intuition and can help you see and understand your own. We dropped into an akashic records trip and she was able to connect very easily. We were able to see past life information and also chords and beliefs that were holding me back. I feel very comfortable stepping into this realm with her and cannot wait to learn more about myself and have it help my present and future. Thank you so very much for your kindness and support!

~ Liana, Owner of Prana Salt Cave

Who am I?

I know what it’s like, to leave a secure 9-5 and start a business. In 2020, I transitioned out of healthcare. I was used to dealing with insurance companies for payments, and all of my clients were referral based. 

I decided in 2022, I would launch Holistic Medical Healing, and it brought up all of my insecurities. Was my training enough? Could I use my voice on social media? How do I go about selling my gifts, publicly? 

During this time, I also was newly married, moved across the country, and became a full-time stepmom to 2 young kids and had to put my dog down. I was drowning while trying to launch my business, so I decided to hire a trauma coach. 

On top of my other certifications, I got certified in trauma by one of the best in the country while I was healing my nervous system and working with my business coaching to continue to grow my business.

I’ve always believed in having support at every phase of growth, and because of this, within the first full year of Holistic Medical Healing, I reached the 6 figure mark. 

I repeat, in the first year, I made 6 figures. Over $120,000 to be more specific. I do not say this to brag, I say this because I know I was able to reach this milestone because of my nervous system regulation training, embodiment work, and trauma healing, alongside the business coaching I continued to invest in.

Too many people give up when it gets scary or uncomfortable. I see so many online entrepreneurs doing everything right for strategy; however, they are anxious, fatigued, and building from a place of scarcity & dysregulation, and that is why they aren’t seeing results, their body gets sick and they feel stuck. And this cycle creates fear of it continuing to happen.

I have honed my regulation skills, even more, to support my voice & trust my intuition, so that Holistic Medical Healing is a long-term sustainable business that continues to thrive and support others.

In Embody Your Wealth, I will take you on the same journey I went through and take other clients through so that you have the tools to Embody Your Wealth and support your emotional & physical health fully. This is the invitation to let your body, family, emotional health & wealth thrive. Remember, Health is wealth.